Joeys hope nola
August 13th
Saint baldric‘s
September 10th
Oktoberfest Day benefiting March for Life
Visit to Ochsner children’s hospital for Halloween 🎃 visit
Turkey Fry benefiting
Saint Joseph/Father Gary
Toys for tots
Christmas Party benefiting Ozanam Inn Clothing drive
Mardi Gras patron party on 12th night benefiting Saint Michaels school
Mardi Gras fundraising
10 opportunities for chosen charities to have a “Day/Night” @ Marquette:
Immaculate conception, Saint Patricks, women’s new life center, good shepherd school, Saint Michaels school, Harry Thompson center, as an MN, second harvest food Bank, Saint Dominic‘s counsel and other nights councils, access pregnancy center/Louisiana right to life.
Day at the fairgrounds along with Saint Dominic Council benefiting charity TBD
Crawfish boil benefiting special Olympics
Easter visit to LCMC
Four chefs dinner benefiting Marquette seminarians
Pool party/picnic benefiting Notre Dame Seminary
• As you can see each month will have a specific opportunity for charity and membership built around the event. Overall, I would like all of our council activity to be centered around the principle mission of our Order, Charity. Now, we will be social, have fun, and have fun times built around this mission. We will also attract new members by having purpose driven events for charity.
New Monthly Recurring Event:
Marquette style theology on tap/catholic happy hour (Day TBD). The goal is to recruit Catholic professionals that work downtown and get them to join Marquette.
Church/Clergy support/involvement:
We will actively support immaculate conception, Saint Patricks, and Father Gary.
Our quarterly/corporate communions will be as follows:
September: Saint Patricks
January: Immaculate Conception
May: St. Joseph (Gretna) Father Gary
All input is welcome and appreciated!
Vivat Jesus,